Sunday, May 17, 2009

For Jim, or, Take That, Crankshaft

So Grobles and I share hosta every year, which is a nice tradition and saves everyone's plants. Hosta do need room to spread out and fill in, otherwise their root systems seem to get a little cramped and they don't do as well. This year my plants sprung up overnight and are more massive than ever. My front plants are enormous and I already see opporunity to split in the fall. I planted those large purple things in photo 2 last fall as an experiment (they're bulbs) and am so happy I did because look at them! Big full heads, great color. I needed something tall and not green in that corner. Also liking my solid-stripe effect along the drive....not everyone's choice in design but I wanted to mix it up.
Jim joined a garden club, a la Crankshaft, so these photos are especially for him.


Jim Groble said...

just simply beautiful

Ammieloris said...

I love your hostas. This is a great and happy post.