Monday, January 18, 2010

My new year, or, I gotta get it together

Here's my goals for my new year. Two weeks late, but sue me.

1. Have fun. Lots.
2. Run a 5 K. See Cheryl's blog for info on what other women are doing to acheive the same goal. I will start my own running blog when I start running. Stay tuned.
3. No decisions from a place of fear. Ever.

I think that's a good way to start. Also, my new favorite word is "heliotrope."


Jim Groble said...

Helio whatever it it, is that some kind of plant?

Jim Groble said...

Good to see you back on the net.


Kathryn said...

Good luck with the 5k! I'm running my first 5K on Super Bowl Sunday. My goal is to simply run the whole thing - no walking. Which

Have you checked out the Couch to 5K site - it's a pretty nifty training tool: