1. OC up at 6:30. So was I. Convinced her to lay in bed with me until she saw a 7 and two 0's (my hero) on the clock (so it wouldn't be night-night anymore). Somehow that worked.
2. Fed all three kids by 8, cleaned up, drank too much coffee.
3. Sent Bill to Target to get a picture frame that WASN'T broken plus random cleaning supplies. Got rid of paper junk for about an hour while the twins napped and Big Girl memorized "My Favorite Things" from The Sound of Music. By 10:15, I had started wash, loaded the dishwasher, washed un-dishwasherable stuff, and decided that I needed to change my dishes.
4. 10:30-12:00 Post Office and grocery store. OC went with. Perfect behavior.
5. 12-1 Hot doggies and maccie for lunch.
6. 1-4 There was various napping. pooping and more napping going on. Fortunately, all of it was child-directed. What is it with kids that they can unload their diapers in their sleep? HOW DOES THAT WORK?! Meanwhile, I prepared 30 postcards for mailing, cursed the printer for its fake "PAPER JAM" warnings, did more wash, and had a bite to eat while sharing guacamole with Thing 2, who got lonely in her nappy bed and wanted Mama. Such is life.
7. 4-5 Changed out my fall dishes to my winter dishes and packed the fall ones away for storage in the garage. Cleaned out my fall decorations because I'm not hosting Thanksgiving and no one will see them anyway. Visually planned what furniture will need to move out of the living room to accomodate The Tree. Listened to "The Hokey Pokey" about 30 times. Supervised Bill's hanging of the new family pictures in the staircase. I think I had a drink of water.
8. 5-6:30 Dinner for the kids, prevented twins from smearing more guacamole on everything, refereed a hissy over tapioca pudding, more wash, more dishes, swept the floor, collapsed on the couch only to find Thing 1 carrying not one but two putty knives courtesy of Darling Husband, who was mudding the seams in the Oh My God Isn't It Done Yet? closet. Emergency washing and stripping of puttied clothes ensued.
9. 7-7:45 While all three kids were in the tubby tub tub I stripped the big girl bed in their room, remade it, threw all their clothes down the chute, relined the wastepaper baskets, and then did the jammie-book routine. I don't even want to go into the family room because it looks like a bomb went off, and there is still wash in transtion in the machines. I haven't had a drink of water in about 4 hours, and I look like I got hit by a bus. Yet every minute of my day was packed, and what do I have to show for it?!?!
8 years ago
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