Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's Sunday, or, How the Hell Did I Make a Gray Cake?

So two of the four Thompsons are coming over this afternoon and I said I would make cake. I decided to try the Red Waldorf recipe in the BH & G canonical cookbook and unfortunately ran out of red food coloring. Thinking creatively, I decided to add blue for a nice purple effect. Unfortunately, adding blue to a bit of red and a lot of unsweetened cocoa powder turned the batter into an attractive gunmetal gray. I thought it would bake out. It didn't.

My solution was to make the outside of the cake as pretty as I could with store-bought frosting and some sprinkles and hope that my guests won't notice that the cake they are eating is as gray as Lenin in his mausoleum.

On the flip side, I strayed away from my rule of "children must have hot breakfasts every day" and let the kids have donuts. Here's the evidence.


Sarah Starr Alleman Smith said...

gunmetal gray. yummm. the outside of the cake is very pretty.

Jim Groble said...

Donuts are good.