Sunday, December 2, 2007

So THIS was a crazy week.

1. A world without Evel Kneivel is a strange, dark place.
2. Never doubt how loudly a 15 month old having a night terror can moan. Not scream, moan. Which is more pervasive and infinitely harder to control.
3. Never doubt how loudly the other 15 month old can snore. She is her mother's child.
4. December is on fast forward already. We have something going on, it seems, every day. And then the holidays will be over and big-nothing January will be here. As U2 says, "all is quiet on New Year's Day....a world in white gets underway."

I hope I actually enjoy Christmas this year. It's easier to now with the kids. I'm just not dealing with other people's insane expectations about who visits who and who gets a present from who and who's going to be mad that it didn't go their way. I'm done with that.

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