Sunday, September 21, 2008

So a lot's been going on.

I finally got around to having my Fall Clean Up Day, which includes my annual hosta split. We acquired a new variety from (who else) Grobles, which is now centerpieced in the back flower bed. I split about 20 plants, gave some offspring to Woodworths and Knights, and helped Bill finish the job Sunday. I planted some mums for the first time, so we'll see how they fare. I am not planning on planting any bulbs this year...I like tulips, but I'm planning on trying out dahlia next year, and I think I can only stick to one flower attempt a season (aside from the ubiquitous impatiens, which are still going strong this late in September).

We've got the Sisterhood of the Sparkly Shoes happening over here. Ellie has had sparkle shoes the last two Christmases, and now the twins' feet fit into her old kicks. Well, since all of my children already know how to accessorize, we spend many a morning in playclothes and "sparklies." We don't take them outside, and actually I've moved them to the dress-up bins lest Helen particularly get the idea that they are suitable for everyday wear. I'm sure I have taken the twins to the store in them, but Ellie is just getting into her new pink ones. In her photo, she was pretending to be Maria from The Sound of Music with her banjo and her shoes. She was rocking the Do Re Mi.

Book club started up again, I've got some work due for my class this week, we're going to Cedar Point Saturday night, and October is right around the corner. The year is flying by.

1 comment:

Ammieloris said...

:) (I'm too tired to write more, but I enjoyed the post.)