Monday, September 29, 2008

Won't you take me to....Funkytown?

Gotta get off the Sarah Palin thing because it really doesn't make me happy, just annoyed, and a little cynical. Now the girls doing the disco spin...that's happiness.

Some other news of late...I'm again planning a shower, this time a baby shower, for Bill's cousin Andy. She's having her first baby and no one was going to step up to the plate for it, so I took one for the team. It's fine. I enjoy doing it.

Working on two books, Last Man on the Moon by Eugene Cernan, which I highly recommend, and The Host by Stephenie Meyer, for book club.

Trying to figure out Halloween costumes. I was originally going to go with Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker, but those are pretty abstract for toddlers. Then I thought of Fozzie Bear, the Swedish Chef, and Beaker, and these are in the lead. I could totally wimp out on creativity and get $29 pumpkin costumes from Pottery Barn Kids, but I haven't hit desperation yet.

Rosh Hashana is upon us, and so naturally the weather appears to have turned. My 93 year old grandmother says that every year, as soon as the Jewish holidays hit, the weather goes south. And you know, I have to say, every year she's right. As soon as Jewish New Year shows up it gets cold and rainy and the system hangs around until after Yom Kippur. I wonder there is a theological connection, or at least a metaphysical one.

I'm tied for seventh in my Dead Pool. At least I'm tied with my husband. That old crow Zsa Zsa Gabor has stuck me seven years running. How is it that she's not dead yet? Now I have to keep picking her, because time is running out for her regardless. My next year's list has a lot of old-school astronauts on it (but not John Young), and probably Abe Vigoda.

I got nothing else.


Jim Groble said...

Yea, but it's fun to talk about her . Just think, it'll probably be against the law and get you sent to someplace dark and cold, like Alaska,if McCain gets elected.
Now the real discussion should be about how Sec. Seward let the russkies keep any of those islands that Gov. Palin can see from here house.

traxie said...


I am glad to see you, Bill & the girls are doing well!!! Irena will be 3 Nov. 16. She is 33" tall and 32 lbs now. She is in pre-school now 3 days per week. We read Narnia to her and prayer books etc. She can say her abc's and can count to 53 so far. We named her after Grandma Manville. I sing to her in German sometimes also. God Bless you and Happy Belated Birthday!! Miss you lots.



Ps Give your Mom a hug from us okay!!