Monday, October 6, 2008

The kind of stuff I think about....really

1. I know way too much stuff about the early years of the space program for someone who isn't 12 or a boy. I have a favorite astronaut (John W. Young, Gemini 3, Apollo 10, Apollo 16). I know the difference between the CMP and the LMP. I have In the Shadow of the Moon on DVR and have watched it, oh, I don't know. 10 times maybe?

2. Don't get me started on biographies about the above.

3. Gene Cernan's (Gemini 9, Apollo 10, Apollo 17) is good, by the way.

4. I keep wondering if anyone is going to do a biopic of Leni Riefenstahl, Sonje Henje, Amelia Earhart or Dorothy Fuldheim.

5. I am thinking of getting little business cards made about ASD to hand out to idiots who think I'm a nut because I walk through the grocery store singing to my children. The twins think it's funny, but Ellie really needs it.

6. I know I have a great book in my head, but I don't know when I will have time to write it. So I just write parts of it, or make plans for it, while I do other things. Pages 223-225 got done while I folded laundry today.

7. I miss my friend Sally Hicks, who now lives in Montana, and even my children miss her.

8. I miss my friend Lynn more, and she just lives in Baltimore, and I can't even talk about it sometimes, it's so painful.

9. I have a new idea for an ice cream: pretzel marshmallow fudge ripple.

10. Book club is just a few weeks away, and already I'm counting the days.

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