Sunday, October 21, 2007

.....And They're Off.

The race for preschool places begins a full year before a child is eligible to go. OC won't be three until May, and potty training is still way off her radar, but we spent two hours today touring one of the Elite Private Girls' Schools in order to find a school for her. It was exciting and overwhelming. Exciting because I found myself trying to imagine her in one of the little chairs, in the library, in modern dance class acting like Twyla Tharp. Overwhelming because I earn no money and OMG, is this going to be expensive. However, I frankly feel that we owe it to OC, and to the T's, to try our absolute hardest to get them into the school that's right for them, even if it ain't cheap. I'll go back to teaching when the T's are in school, so eventually there's going to be two paychecks again. However, right now, it's all Mr. Man, and I know it's a burden, but we have to make a go of it.

Besides, not going on a pricey cruise is temporary. Having a kid who isn't bright enough to make health care decisions for you when you're old--that's some scary permanence.

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