Sunday, February 3, 2008

Crazy Hair, or, Helen's First Sally Experience

Helen has been having herself some crazy hair. As Twin A, she seemed to do everything a little bigger, faster, and louder than Ittle, but Pudge's hair was really a point of departure for them. While Emma still has a natural Nascar mullet, Helen's hair would appear each morning in her eyes, sticking straight up, around her ears, with a little curl dangling precariously down her back and into her shirt collar. What's a girl to do? So I schlepped her off to Sally ( for her first real haircut. I know other women who try the home kitchen cut that first time. Not me. I know my limitations and while I can clip a kid's nails while reading War and Peace and making a mean hollandaise, approaching one of my children with scissors is not something I feel the need to try. Helen was not an enthralled with the mirrors in the place as Ellie is, but she sure did like being the center of attention for once, and with just a little pinwheel in hand, was a super trooper the entire time. N.B.--bring your kid's own booster seat to the barber! Helen had no trouble sitting in her own seat, safely strapped in, happy as a clam.

Look at that punim. How can you not be totally in love with the Pudge?

1 comment:

Jim Groble said...

cool pics, the green border does look better than the pink. it is than not then isn't it?