Emma was in need of shoes with soles, so off to the big N. we went. She has these tiny feet, so narrow, but I found Stride Rite Mary Jane's with just a hit of metallic pizzazz. How much? $49.51 with tax. The thing is, I'm neither horrified nor surprised. I had the opposite problem as a child; my feet were a triple E width until I was about 10. There was one store on the West Side that sold shoes for kids with odd sizes, and my mother spent at least $50 a pair on shoes for me--and wer're talking 1979 here. Did it pay off? Well, my feet are perfectly formed and pain-free, despite their continuing state of pudge. I will gladly buy put garage sale playclothes on the kids, I will buy them $4 outfits at Target with glee, but I will not, will not, will not put cheap shoes on my girls. If there was ever a get what you pay for scenario, my children having healthy little piggies is it.
8 years ago
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