Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Musings, or, An Ordinary Day

I still washed clothes, made and cleaned up meals, organized snacks, and scrubbed the bathroom sink today. Do other women do this too? Take the one day that is culturally designated towards my happiness and tranquility and use it for activities like laying down a rug or crawling around on all fours looking for a binky?

In other news, we have a rug in the family room, Pottery Barn Kids SWEARS our last two pieces of furniture will be here by the first week in June, Bill is making progress on the trim in there, and we apparently live with two supermodels. Who knew.


Ammieloris said...

:D Big smiles for those great supermodels! I hope you enjoyed your ordinary day.

Ammieloris said...

Sarah, I'm posting my apologies for that anonymous rude comment here, too. I've posted a longer comment on my blog. I do hope you keep commenting on my blog, and appreciate your honest but courteous way of pointing out that person's rudeness. I'm really sad that happened on my blog. Thanks for dealing with it the way you did, and I hope you feel welcome to come back.