,2933,511470,00.htmlFor eight years, I had to live in George Bush's America. And it sucked. This guy and his BFF Dick "I'm smarter than you because I say I am" Cheney ignored any damn part of the Constitution they wanted, including that wee bit about the powers of the Executive Branch, the First Amendment and the Fourth Amendment, and giggled about it like schoolgirls on the back of a field trip bus. They violated the Geneva Convention, told the Red Cross to shove it because they dared to state that the US was committing torture, and gave the Saudis, Wall Street, and anybody else who could make them money a wink and a smile and let them go about their business. And what happened if you said anything that could be remotely construed as criticism of their policies? You were un-American. You were against freedom. You weren't a patriot. You didn't honor the sacrifices of the men and women who serve in the military. You didn't honor 9/11. People I know, right now, believed and continue to believe this crap because George Bush sold them a culture of fear. And I had to listen to this dumbass stutter, strut and mispronounce "nuclear" for the better part of my thirties. And get re-elected. Unreal.
So now there's a guy in the White House who actually thinks that the Constitution is a good idea, that torture is a crime, that real freedom and patriotism means you're allowed to disagree with your government and they won't punish you for it, like tapping your phone, or looking at your mail, because after all, we're better than Stalin or the Gang of Four. But according to Texan and card-carrying GOP babe Angie Harmon, having Obama in the White House means she can't disagree with the President or else the media will call her a racist.
People still fear being called a racist, I suppose. It's a knee-jerk thing that nobody likes to talk about. However, is it worse to be called a racist by a tabloid media that makes up news and publishes "stories" that everyone knows is bullcrap, or is it worse to be called un-American and anti-patriotic by your own President, the same guy who seems to think that the FBI is his secret police and that, like Richard Nixon, whatever he does is legal because he and his lawyer say it is?
I think I know.
8 years ago
1 comment:
Hey, and what about that whack job congresswoman of my brother, Bachman. Now she is a real nutcase. i thought the John Birch Society was long gone. I guess that white trash can mascarade in a suit.
Now everyone who knows me knows my political predilections. Democrats will steal your money and throw it away to feel good and Republicans eat babies and want to control your sexual impulses. And then kill you in state sanctioned executions. But I digress. Junior's election says more about how just down right bad the opposition was. I mean John Kerry, for crying out loud, why waste the time and money.
Now, not all Republicans are whack jobs who want to control how we think and who we have sex with. Back home in Illinois, most Republicans are indisguishable from Democrats. They both steal your money and eventually make license plates.
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