Monday, March 24, 2008

CAKE! Or, the Calm Before the Storm

We worked all day on Easter (counterintuitive, I know) but then went for cake at the Smiths'. I did make the Peeps cake, which some creative changes. Walgreen's only had yellow SUGAR FREE Peeps, which is just...wrong. So I used purple Peeps and pastel M & M's and made a spring flower cake. It was just as good and who cared anyway?

The kids just demolished their pieces. Emma shoved her Peep into her mouth while simultaneously reaching (and appropriating ) Helen's. She would have gotten Ellie's too if her arm would have been long enough.

There was chocolate everywhere and no amount of paper towels could control it. The kids' table was just wrecked. Sorry, Smiths. But man, that was good cake.